
Failure to Yield
- This program is offered Online immediately upon registration and is self-paced and available in-person seasonally.
- The course takes 2-4 hours to complete on average.
- 4 Lakes is certified and licensed by the State of Wisconsin to conduct this course. The course requires two hours of classroom instruction.
- Below is the curriculum that will be taught during the classroom instruction.
Curriculum That Will be Taught:
Discussion of State Statues
General rules of right-of-way.
36.23-29 Respective rights and duties of drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and riders of electric personal assistance mobility devices.
Discussion determining the Right-of-Way
What is Right-of-Way?
When should you yield to Right-of-Way?
Discuss the Right-of-Way rules for:
Pedestrians and bicycles.
Motorcycles (scooters are step-through motorcycles) and mopeds.
Funeral processions.
Intersections not controlled by signals or signs.
Four-way stops.
Turning left.
Private roads, driveways, and unpaved roads. Thru ways.
Intersection of single, two-lane, and multiple-lane roads and rotaries.
Discussion of Motorist's Handbook Share the Road
All drivers, including those on motorcycles, bicycles and mopeds have
- At intersections.
- To parking spaces.
- When turning in traffic.
- For Following distances.
- After the course has been completed you will receive your course completion and the Department of Transportation will also receive an electronic copy of the course completion.
- Assistance in obtaining permit
- Classroom instruction
- In-car instruction
- New drivers
- Refresher courses
- Trip to DMV for road test and to obtain driver's license